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There are many different cities or areas that produce distinctive Bali paintings. Most of the artists tend to gather around these cities. While Ubud is the largest and perhaps the best known, the others are also treasures to discover.
Bali Paintings
As each area of the island developed their artistic style, specific artists became famous. They then became known as the masters of a particular style. Other artists then learned how to create the same general painting technique. This has been handed down for generations.
Paintings from Bali are both old and new. There are artists that create complete modern works of art. There are also those that recreate the traditional styles. This gives art collectors the opportunity to explore and buy a wide range of different pieces of Bali art.
You can check out all of the different types of Bali Pictures, Paintings & Bali Art we sell by clicking on our Pictures, Paintings & Art Catalog on the side bar.
The traditional Bali painting
Bali traditional paintings are different based on the area in which they are produced. The Ubud area tends to favor a two dimensional type of design. These paintings often have open backgrounds that give a feeling of space. People typically are the focal point of the piece.
In Sanur, the Balinese paintings tended to show more mystical types of central elements. They also include animals and are often very detailed in the surrounding elements.
Batuan artists focus in on busy scenes of real life or mystical events. Stories of religious or mythical events are often depicted in the scenes. Usually these paintings have very little background and tend to be very dark. The majority of the painting featured the story and the images.
All traditional painting tends to use primary colors and do not usually blend colors. This gives a vibrant and texturized look to the painting. They may be done on wood, canvas or paper.
You can check out all of the different types of Bali Pictures, Paintings & Bali Art we sell by clicking on our Pictures, Paintings & Art Catalog on the side bar.
The modern painting from Bali
The modern Bali painting style may follow the traditional style or it may follow more international influences. There were several groups of artists that moved into Bali in the 1920s and 1930s that influenced the traditional painting styles.
Many modern artists still use traditional colors and painting techniques as a key element in their work. However, they may also use more European techniques such as working with charcoal or watercolors. Colors may be more muted and blended depending on the style.
Bali abstract paintings often take elements from traditional paintings and art. This may include using those same primary colors as well as very simplistic lines. Some of the abstract art features common images from daily life. These may also be almost primitive in their shapes but with a strong visual impact that is such a part of this style of painting.
You can check out all of the different types of Bali Pictures, Bali Paintings & Bali Art we sell by clicking on our Pictures, Paintings & Art Catalog on the side bar.
Flower painting
Bali is well renowned for flower paintings. Bali flower paintings are simply stunning. These paintings, often of local flowers such as Orchids or Frangipani, almost seem to leap off the page. The flowers are front and center and the dominant image in the paintings.
Vibrant colors and soft lines in Bali flower paintings create a feast for the eyes. These paintings are highly prized both in the country as well as internationally.
Different styles to choose from
One of the most important things to keep in mind is there is no one style of Bali paintings. Once you look around at the styles from the different areas you will find one that catches your eye. From there you can look deeper into the area or collection to find your perfect match.
Our pictures, paintings & art catalog
You can check out all of the different types of Bali Pictures, Bali Paintings & Bali Art we sell by clicking on our Pictures, Paintings & Art Catalog on the side bar.
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